Monday, November 5, 2012

Inventory List generated by DAS system

Did you know your DAS can probably generate an inventory list of what is on the system - serial numbers, soft labels, etc.?
This is very valuable. Most of them are downloadable as CSV (comma-separated values) file - this is essentially an Excel file. By changing some formats it is easy to make it visually appealing, and a valuable tool. Customer often asks for serial numbers of RF devices to be included in the close-out package. Instead of going to every remote devices and taking down the serial numbers, this is an easy and quick way to collect those information.

Following are some samples from SOLiD and MobileAccess DAS. Format of the CSV files were updated for better visualization.

(From MobileAccess)

(SOLiD BIU Inventory List)

(SOLiD List of elements from a Sector)

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