Sunday, November 25, 2012

Google adds Indoor Maps

Over 10,000 floor plans of selected locations are available in Google Maps across 9 different countries such as Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Japan, the United Kingdom, the U.S., Sweden, and Switzerland. Check out indoor maps availability on your desktop. "Simply zoom in on a building on Google Maps and you’ll automatically see a detailed floor plan with helpful labels for gates at the airport, stores within the mall, departments within a retail shop, as well as ATMs, restrooms and more." (Google Post)

How accurate are these? Let's just say I could not find Chili's on this floor plan :)
You can add your floor plans to Google Maps here. As DAS engineers and project managers we get to see a lot of floor plans daily. However, not sure what kind of privacy clause will we fall under. So I don't see myself uploading any floor plans any time soon. Despite the limited number of floor plans and upload issues I don't need to explain why this is a good news for DAS designers and engineers.

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