Sunday, April 13, 2014

Visual Check-list + Cheat-sheet

Recently we started working with a new client on their small cell projects. We are lucky to be one of the few vendors in the region who has substantial number of small cell deployment (100+) under belt. Despite having a established form, we took a little different approach for Site Survey check-list. Instead of a traditional form we opted for a visual check-list, that can also work as a cheat-sheet. Main goal was to reduce the learning curve, and have the document work as a visual mnemonic apparatus.

The form shows all the different components in the system, how they are tied together, with fields for locations, distances, etc. When we trained our guys on it, they seem to pick it up pretty quickly. In the long run, they may have the whole block-diagram memorized; but for the time being this appears to be a pretty effective teaching tool, as well as data collection and dissemination tool. Let the visual elements replace the boring words!
Check out some snapshots below:

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